I am in the process of converting Drupal 6 module to Drupal 7.
i have a problem of Passing php data to Ajax.
The function should display if a speaker on or off by interchanging icons, when clicked by using (toggle function).
whats i have discovered is that this part $.ajax() doesnt work, while in Drupal 6 it works.
below is the code.

longa.module file:

  //hook menu
  function longa_menu(){
  $items['longa/set_speaker_state'] = array(
   'page callback' => 'longa_set_speaker_state',
   'access arguments' => array('longa talk'),
   'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
  return $items;
 //the callback
 function longa_set_speaker_state($speaker_state) {
  global $user;
  $_SESSION['longa_speaker_state'] = $speaker_state;
  user_save($user, array('longa_speaker_state' => $speaker_state));

longa.js file:

  if (Drupal.settings.longa_module.has_audio ==1){    
  im_flash_player_listener.onInit = function(){
    this.position = 0;
  if ($('#im-console-speaker-icon-on').css('display') == 'none') {
    is_muted = 1;
  else {
    is_muted = 0;
  $('#im-console-speaker-icon-on').click(function() {
    is_muted = 1;
    //alert('You clicked the speaker');
  $('#im-console-speaker-icon-off').click(function() {
    is_muted = 0;


 function set_speaker_state($speaker_state) {
  if (Drupal.settings.longa_module.has_perms ==0) {
 var sendurl= url_prefix + 'longa/set_speaker_state/' + $speaker_state;
   type: 'GET',
   url: sendurl ,
   dataType: 'json',
   data: 'js=1'
   /**success: function(xhr) { 
    alert('sent successfully');
    error:function(xhr) { 
   alert('error occured');

I will appreciate for any help.

2 Answers 2


In function set_speaker_state() , the $ symbol doesn't recognized, you must put set_speaker_state() function into:

(function($, window, undefined){
 // here!
})(jQuery, window);
  • i did as u suggested, removed the jQuery wich i added.. its working. Thank you.
    – mrcniceguy
    Commented Dec 8, 2012 at 7:56

Finally i got it working...i just replaced $.ajax with jQuery.ajax and bum, everything works.

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