I'm using Views and have it set to fields. Can anyone tell me what the machine name of Content: Post date is? I used Time ago in my selection.

2 Answers 2


If you are talking about the 'ID' of the Content: Post date in Views, it is: created

You can find this under the Theme: Information link under the 'Advanced' settings block (in D7/Views 3) or the 'Basic settings' block (in D6/Views 2). After clicking that link, find the name of the field and find the ID in parenthesis next to the field name.

Example: In this case you should find Field Content: Post date (ID: created)


Another smart trick to know identifiers is the following.

Hover your field title (e.g. "Taxonomy: Term") from your view setting, and focus on the status bar of your browser.

In my case, I get http://example.com/#overlay=%3Fq%3Dadmin/structure/views/nojs/config-item/my_view/page/field/name.

Look into the last 4 items:

  • my_view: View Identifier
  • page: Display Identifier
  • name: Field Identifier

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