For both level and date (I understand these are session, so a range of date), you can add some "select list" in order to let the user select between the available options.
Do you have troubles adding this ? Can you make your question a little clearer regarding what you want and what causes you difficulties ?
Select the "listbox" option and it will produce:
Edit June, 23:
- so you have a Content Type named "webform_info" with some fields "field_level" and "field_time".
- the idea is to implement a hook_form_alter (in a custom module) to retrieve these fields and put them in the webform
function custom_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
//you need to set up a custom module to store this.
//use devel with dsm($form); to figure the name of each field
if ($form['#id'] == 'webform-client-form-123') {
//delete the array of options from the webform field, they start by "con_"
$form['submitted']['con_level']['#options'] = Array();
$form['submitted']['con_level']['#options'][''] = '- Select one level/time -';
$i = 1;
//retrieve the nodes of the type webform_info
$result = db_query("SELECT nid FROM {node} n WHERE type = 'webform_info' AND status = 1");
while ($row = db_fetch_array($result)) {
$node_level = node_load($row['nid']);
$form['submitted']['con_level']['#options'][$i] = $node_level->field_level[0]['value'] . $node->title . $node_level->field_time[0]['value'];
Doing node_load
can be pretty heavy if you have a great number of nodes, so you might want to use the CCK table structure, have a look at another answer to adapt the code.
Code is for D6 but should give you some insights to apply this to D7 if needed.