I have the following taxonomy structure:


  • Group 1
    • Location 1
    • Location 2
  • Group 2
    • Location 3
    • Location 4
  • Group 3
    • Location 5
    • Location 6

Pieces of content are being posted to the site, and each piece of content has a location and a post date associated with it. When the view is displayed, how can the results be grouped by parent term ID (group 1-3), and then grouped by post date within each group?

I've tried using the "taxonomy term: name" sort criterion, but then adding the "content: post-date" criterion seems to have no effect.

  • Is your list of Groups small or large? Is it static? I can think of a round-about way to do this, but it won't be a good solution unless the parent terms are pretty static. :-( Commented Jan 15, 2013 at 21:54

2 Answers 2


I think I found a way to do this--I added the "content: taxonomy terms on node" and "taxonomy term: parent term" relationships to the view.

The key is the "taxonomy term: name" criterion has a checkbox where I selected "parent", which appears only after you add the relationship. I added the post-date sort criteria after that, and it appears to be working the way I want.

  • I recently discovered that the sort works better if you require the relationship because it uses inner joins instead of left joins.
    – Darvanen
    Commented Sep 2, 2015 at 23:13

For really simple sorting, such as it's outlined in the question it's easy but took me a while to find it (no relationships needed):

  1. Add taxonomy term as a field and exclude it from the display.

    Make sure you have the title field still in the display.

  2. Then under Format, click on "settings" to the right of "format:"

  3. Under "Grouping field Nr.1" choose the taxonomy term field.

Now all your content should be grouped according to their respective term:

  • Term Name 1
    • Item 1 Title
    • Item 2 Title
  • Term Name 2
    • Item 3 Title
    • Item 4 Title
  • Term Name 3
    • Item 5 Title
    • Item 6 Title

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