I am trying to add a link or button from the checkout page http://dev.hearst.gotpantheon.com/cart/checkout
To the update cart page http://dev.hearst.gotpantheon.com/cart/
Right now there are only two buttons showing up, "review cart" and "cancel"
strangely enough if I press "enter" on my keypad I get redirected to the desired update cart page. http://dev.hearst.gotpantheon.com/cart/
I am thinking of using
function MyThemeName_uc_cart_checkout_form($form) {
To add a simple link to 'update cart' into the html or as a form element, I am new to Drupal. How would I do this using the form API? Or is there simply a setting I can set to make the "update cart button" appear http://dev.hearst.gotpantheon.com/cart/