I am using the simpledialog module with the 'edit' tab still in it. The edit overlay for the node is displayed in the background with the simpledialog still in the way.
I have tried a bunch of ways of attaching the close call to the edit button and triggering a click on the dialog close button. None of it very successfully - all iframes. e.g.
$htj2('.tabs.primary').delegate('click', 'a', function() {
I think the 'correct drupal pattern' is to attach a behavior to the form load using drupal behaviors.
(function ($) {
Drupal.bahaviors.hotTopicsResearch = {
attach: function(context, settings) {
// ?? What next?
$('#hot-topic-research-node-form',context).once('load', function() {
How do I find out what the behaviours are? How do I attach to the load event or is there an event related to clicking on the 'edit' tab? How do I get close the simpledialog?
$('a[href~=edit]').clicked() ...
and then simply call simpledialog close or$('#simplediaglo').hide()
. my point, I think your attacking it from the wrong direction with the code you've provided