I have an "equipment" content type, which has a "manufacturer" field applied to it. The "manufacturer" field is a taxonomy term reference to a taxonomy which contains all of the manufacturers.
When "equipment" is flagged, I want a "task" to be created. The problem is, I need different tasks created depending on what manufacturer it is.
Task A applies to manufacturer terms 1,2, and 5.
Task B applies to manufacturer terms 3 and 4.
When I set this up in Rules, I use a "Data Comparison" to check what manufacturer the equipment belongs to. When I use only one manufacturer, the "Data Comparison" gives me a Direct Input to compare to, I set the comparison operator to "Equals", and I can type in, for example, 2. Everything works.
However, I want this rule to apply to manufacturers 2, 1, and 5, so I set the comparison operator to "Is One Of". Suddenly, the Direct Input Method disappears, and I'm sunk.
Is there a way in Rules to compare if a field equals one of several taxonomy terms (OR logic)?