So I've been fiddling around with elements, or blocks around my site.
I find the element or item I want to change my right clicking it in my browser and clicking "Inspect Element". Then, I find where the CSS file is and head to that directory in my FTP client. When I find the class or styling section, I copy that to my theme's global.css file.
However, when I edit some class/header/basically anything, any other object in my site that uses the same titled class is affected.
If my descriptions aren't very clear, here's my attempt at clarification. So let's say has a H1 class that I'd like to center to the left. But there's an element over at that also uses the H1 class style. If I copy and edit the H1 class into my global.css file, both of those elements are affected, when I only want the one at to be changed.
Is there a way to go around this? Should I try renaming the class that the element in so that it doesn't end up using the same class as everything else?