I created a content type that is used to display a list of videos hosted on brightcove. I have a module that is setting a cookie for the anonymous user when they watch one.
I created a module that will display the video that they clicked in a popup. Inside this popup window there is a button to go to the next video. When they clicked the video that launched the initial popup I can use jquery to change a div class to get a viewed icon to appear next to the video link no problem.
When the "next video" button is clicked I have it play the next video in the same popup. However, I would like to have the "video viewed" icon appear without a refresh on the originating page.
You can see this in action at http://www.lynda.com when you watch one of their videos. You click a video on the course list, a popup appears and you can click the next video button. A viewed icon will appear without refresh on the course list (not the popup).
How do I use ajax in such a way that when a button is clicked it updates a different page? In the pop-up I am passing a video ID as well as the drupal node id of the course the video belongs to.