I am using Views 3 on Drupal 7.
I have a node with multiple terms, and I want to get nodes with all own tids at once.
I configure the contextual filter using the following values:
- Specify validation criteria:
- taxonomy term
- my vocabulary
- Term IDs separated by , or +
- Checkbox "Allow multiple values" is on.
I try to pass '1,2' as argument to the view, and I get:
node 1 (tid 1)
node 1 (tid 1, 2)
node 2 (tid 2)
node 3 (tid 2)
By the way, the '1+2' argument gives me the same thing, and it's all right.
Why can't I get a result like the following?
node 1 (tid 1, 2)
Do you have any suggestions?