So far, I have been reading some similar questions but I haven't found an elegant and simple way of doing this (if there is any). As I say in the question title, I don't want anonymous users to access the complete list of nodes (in node/) nor a particular node (under node/%nid), nor even a particular taxonomy term. :)
My approach to this is as follows. As far as I know, I can override the default node/%nid system page using a variant in Drupal panels. I actually did this and, if the user is not logged in, when he/she tries to access the node/%nid he/she will see a log in box. For the list of nodes, I removed from the front page all of the nodes and none is shown. I would expect to do with taxonomy/term/%tid the same as I did with node/%nid but, for a strange reason, Drupal panels is not able to create the variant (not sure if it is a bug).
Anyway, I would like to know if you have a more elegant or simpler approach to this (no matter if using panels or not).
Thanks in advance for your help!