I was looking into this a little myself, and while I had to put it on hold in favor of other things, I do suggest reading up on the YouTube API, which should allow you to create a new node every time you post a video on YouTube, as well as pull in the video information, which you could pass to fields in your video content type. (Obviously, you will need the Media: YouTube module.)
In short, I would think you would want to approach it something like this:
- Set up an array in your site code to hold video info.
- Set up a call to YouTube API, access your channel.
- Use the API to determine the number of videos in your YouTube channel; if it is larger than the length of your array, add the most recent video to the array.
- Step through the array and create a node for each key in the array (if it doesn't already exist).
If somebody out there knows a better method, I'd love to hear about it!
Good luck!