I have need to be apply an Image Style setting to the logo uploaded at appearance/settings/THEME_NAME
Use Case is: The theme will be used across multiple unique instances within the organization and associated groups, each with different branding. The installation will be via an Install Profile including preset Image Styles. The logo will need to be set by the individual installing the site. It is a requirement that this individual will not need the skill to modify a tpl file in order to set the logo path/size or use any image editing software to modify the logo's dimensions pre upload.
... where to begin?
I suspect there are two routes:
- Modify the existing logo field via page.tpl.php to use a predefined image style.
- OR Add a new Image field to the Theme's settings form and calling that in page.tpl.php
Either task is pushing my Drupal ability so before I begin I thought I would ask for opinions on my assumed solutions above or better yet, actual solutions to setting image styles for the logo upload. :)
Thanks in advance, Nick