I have a webform. If I go into the backend "content management => content" area and click "edit" for the form and then "preview", the form preview displays fine.
However, if I view that same webform on the frontend, I see either:
- "Published by admin on Tue, 07/19/2011 - 15:15" if I am logged in as a new user
- "Published by admin..." and in my $messages "You have already submitted this form. View your previous submissions." if I am logged in as a user who has submitted the form before.
This form was displaying fine at some point. Obviously someone working on the project (quite likely me) has broken it since then.
The form is published. The submission limit is set to "unlimited". The "status of this form" is set to "open". The "submission access" settings allow any "authenticated user" to submit the form.
What are some reasons for why my form might not be displaying? Do I need to add something in my page.tpl.php to have it display? What's the quickest way for me to debug this?