I'm using the Modal Forms module to provide Modal Login and Register Forms across my site. Unfortunately it only seems to work if I access the link from a page which is one deep from the host folder. i.e.
- Localhost/drupal/myform - Works
- Localhost/drupal/node/31 - Doesn't Work
The error that throws says that
can't be found. Which is correct because the login form is kept at:
It's adding the relative path on the end of the current page path.
A. Has anyone come across or solved this before?
B. I think the code path is being pulled from hook_menu:
function modal_forms_menu() {
$items['modal_forms/%ctools_js/login'] = array(
'title' => 'Log in',
'page callback' => 'modal_forms_login',
'page arguments' => array(1),
I tried changing the link to a direct path (not relative), but this doesn't do anything. What should I be trying to change to get the path to either load from /drupal/
each time or become direct?