We made a visibility rule to display a field when a second field has been filled, and display another field when the second field is empty. It works well, but since we updated Ctools and some Drupal modules, it gives false output.
What I did is:
- Adding a field with a visibility rule to display the field based on another field value (I left the value empty to display the field when it is empty.)
- Duplicating that field, and adding the same visibility rule, for which I then selected "Reverse" to display the field when it contains any value
The problem is that the visibility rule doesn't apply for the case when the field is empty, but it works well when the field is not empty, even if I disabled the second rule.
How does the plugin (for the visibility rule) know about empty and non empty fields?
I know that it could be solved with PHP code, but I need to know what I am doing wrong.