I am creating a page.tpl.php template in Drupal 7 in which I want to rearrange how certain elements of the page are laid out. Specifically I want the title of the page to appear before the tabs and messages section (which I have done) and have the content of the page appear after the tabs and messages section (this is where I run into issues). I can't find a way to just render the $page['contents'] without the title. Is there a way to achieve this in Drupal 7?

I know that the node.tpl.php template handles the node specific layout, but it doesn't allow me to layout the page like as described above.


1 Answer 1


Somethings can be done in page.tpl.php & some in node.tpl.php

Like you said, you need to make title of the node appear before tabs. You can do this in your page.tpl.php. Find $title variable as well as $tabs & arrange accordingly in your page.tpl.php. Like --

<?php if ($title) : ?>
  <h1 class="title">
    <?php print $title; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($tabs): ?>
  <div class="tabs">
    <?php print render($tabs); ?>
<?php endif; ?>

After this you will have print render($page['content']);, where node.tpl.php comes into the scene, so arranging other things like node content, comment, links you will have to go to your node.tpl.php & arrange accordingly. More modification such as in comment & other TPLs will come into the scene like comment.tpl.php etc..

  • This is what I ended up doing in the end where I do not print out the node's title in the node.tpl.php file to achieve the effect I am looking for. As a caveat to others who want to achieve the same thing, you will need to use a node type specific templates so as to not hide article titles when multiple articles are listed on a page.
    – user5013
    Commented Sep 16, 2013 at 21:22
  • You didn't specify the content type specific requirement, so I didn't mention anything of that regards in my answer. Anyway, node title is part of page.tpl.php not node.tpl.php..
    – RajeevK
    Commented Sep 17, 2013 at 3:40

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