Within the page node is a field for an image that is the page's banner image. We also use Rotor banner to do rotating banner images in the same location. Since I have a default banner set for the page, pages can't have an empty banner field. If a rotor banner view exists, both the page's banner and the rotor banner display stacked on top of each other.
How can I test to see if the rotor banner view has any results and determine whether or not the field banner for the page should display or not? If there is a rotor banner to display, I want to hide or remove the field banner from display.
Both the field banner and rotor banner are living as blocks in the same region. I would like to come up with something for the "Page specific visibility settings" for the blocks, but I'm thinking I will have to do it some how within the theme.
I can't figure out how to see what nodes have been loaded other than using Firebug. If I could access those nodes in a variable accessible to the block or the theme, I could detect if there are rotor items loaded.
Does anyone have any ideas?