I have my site set up to import CSVs and manual entry and exporting the key information into an XML feed/File using views data export. I have a problem when I need to add a group of fields. The user can add as many of these groups of fields as they need and they should appear in the output in a single row as nested items.

When I use field collections the output produces invalid XML or is stripped of all wrappers so that it is just plain text. I have tried custom template files in my theme but views data export strips out the tags.

Desired output

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<file_information xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    <title>My Title</title>
    <version>Sunday 26th January</version>

Actual output (rest of XML is fine)

    <section class="field field-name-field-sequence field-type-number-integer field-label-above view-mode-full">
     <h2 class="field-label">sequence:&amp;nbsp;</h2>
     <div class="field-items">
     <div class="field-item even">1</div>
  <section class="field field-name-field-tc-in field-type-hms-field field-label-above view-mode-full">
     <h2 class="field-label">tc_in:&amp;nbsp;</h2>
     <div class="field-items">
       <div class="field-item even">
         <span class="hms hms-format-h-mm-ss">0:00:00</span>
    <section class="field field-name-field-tc-out field-type-hms-field field-label-above view-mode-full">
    <h2 class="field-label">tc_out:&amp;nbsp;</h2>
    <div class="field-items">
     <div class="field-item even">
       <span class="hms hms-format-h-mm-ss">0:00:30</span>
    <section class="field field-name-field-sequence field-type-number-integer field-label-above view-mode-full">
     <h2 class="field-label">sequence:&amp;nbsp;</h2>
     <div class="field-items">
       <div class="field-item even">2</div>
     <section class="field field-name-field-tc-in field-type-hms-field field-label-above view-mode-full">
     <h2 class="field-label">tc_in:&amp;nbsp;</h2>
     <div class="field-items">
      <div class="field-item even">
        <span class="hms hms-format-h-mm-ss">0:00:00</span>
     <section class="field field-name-field-tc-out field-type-hms-field field-label-above view-mode-full">
     <h2 class="field-label">tc_out:&amp;nbsp;</h2>
     <div class="field-items">
      <div class="field-item even">
        <span class="hms hms-format-h-mm-ss">0:00:20</span>

So how can I customise the output or should I use something other than field collections?

contents of my field-collection-item.tpl.php

<sequence><?php print render($content['field_sequence']); ?></sequence>
<tc_in><?php print render($content['field_tc_in']); ?></tc_in>
<tc_out><?php print render($content['field_tc_out']); ?></tc_out>

contents of my views-data-export-xml-body.tpl.php

   $item_item = 'asset_data';
<?php foreach ($themed_rows as $count => $row): ?>
  <<?php print $item_item; ?>>
<?php foreach ($row as $field => $content): ?>
  <?php if($content != NULL){ ?>
    <?php $content = str_replace("&lt;","<",$content); 
     $content = str_replace("&gt;",">",$content); ?>
     <<?php print $xml_tag[$field]; ?>><?php print_r $content; ?></<?php print $xml_tag[$field]; ?>>
    <?php } ?>
 <?php endforeach; ?>
   </<?php print $item_item; ?>>
 <?php endforeach; ?>
  • Looks like you haven't cleaned tpl for rows and fields.
    – Mołot
    Commented Dec 10, 2013 at 13:38
  • As far as I know, Field Collection's Views integration is poor, to say the least. @user24312 You might have better luck in the module issue queue.
    – Beebee
    Commented Dec 10, 2013 at 14:42
  • 1
    @Mołot was right - I had cleaned fields tpl file but had a typo in the filename so it wasn't picking it up. Initial test looks good.
    – Keypad
    Commented Dec 10, 2013 at 14:59
  • @user24312 feel free to post that as self-answer (if 8h limit for self-answers was lifted already).
    – Mołot
    Commented Dec 10, 2013 at 15:09
  • G'dam typos always get you!
    – Beebee
    Commented Dec 10, 2013 at 15:26

1 Answer 1


As suggested by @Molot I needed to clean fields.tpl.php which I had done but had a typo in the name which is why I was puzzled.

In addition to this I needed to add some logic into views-data-export-xml-body.tpl.php to wrap each set of field items seperately.

(used str_replace to find the closing tag of the last element and insert the closing and opening wrapper tag)

$content = str_replace("/tc_out> <sequence>","/tc_out> </segment>
    <segment> <sequence>",$content);

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