I have a Quicktab with 2 tabs. The block is placed in user profile.

Now I want to show one of the blocks only when the user visits his own profile and hide it when he is visiting other profiles. How may I do this?

2 Answers 2


In Drupal 7 you can use hook_quicktabs_alter

     * Implementing hook_quicktabs_alter
     * @param type $quicktabs
    function MODULE_NAME_quicktabs_alter(&$quicktabs) {
        global $user;
        foreach ($quicktabs->tabs as $key => $tab) {
            if ($tab['title'] == 'Tab1' && arg(0) == 'user' && is_numeric(arg(1)) && $user->uid == arg(1)) {//check condition as per your requirement
  • Thanks, But this will affect both of the tabs of the quicktab. What i want is to be able to show only one of the tabs if the condition meet.
    – lameei
    Commented Feb 10, 2014 at 10:26
  • You mean to say you have only one block with 2 tabs. You want to hide the tab based on some requirement?
    – Inizio
    Commented Feb 10, 2014 at 10:28
  • I have updated my answer.
    – Inizio
    Commented Feb 10, 2014 at 10:42
  • Where should I put this? Shall I write a module?
    – lameei
    Commented Feb 10, 2014 at 10:52
  • Yes inside any custom .module file. If you dont have the custom module then create one. Use this link as reference OR Building a Drupal 7 Module
    – Inizio
    Commented Feb 10, 2014 at 10:54

you would need to put that code right where you want the quicktab to render:

// Current user uid.
global $user;
$userUid = $user->uid;

// Uid of the user's viewed profile.
$userUidViewedProfile = $arg(1)

// Condition if current userId = userId's viewed profile. If it is, render the quicktab.
if ($userUid == $userUidViewedProfile)
    $block = module_invoke('quicktabs', 'block_view', 'machine_name'); // Only change the machine name here,
    print render($block);
  • This works for the whole block. I want one of the tabs to be checked like this.
    – lameei
    Commented Feb 10, 2014 at 5:00

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