I am trying to create a node that has a single file attachment (using CCK filefield), and be able to reference that file by other nodes (possibly more than one node).
The application is such that there's a "forms library" that will have various documents refer to forms.
I have looked at FileField Sources, but I'm not clear if I change a file in node A, if the attached file in node B will reflect that change.
Additionally, we're finding related nodes based on taxonomy terms (http://drupal.org/project/relevant_content), so it would be nice if I could refer to the node, but by clicking on the link to the node (via the node reference), the file opens.
I've looked at Custom Formatters (http://drupal.org/project/custom_formatters) and Formatters 4 Node Reference (http://drupal.org/project/formatters4nodereference) as suggested by Attaching existing server files to filefield, but I don't seem to "get" the two modules, and neither of them are flush with documentation.
Is there a module for this, or am I looking at writing something?