Drupal's "Theming the Drupal maintenance page" gives a good overview for theming the maintenance page for 'normal' themes:

  1. Copy modules/system/maintenance-page.tpl.php to your theme's templates directory
  2. In the settings.php file, enable the $conf['maintenance_theme'] variable
  3. Copy you page.tpl.php contents into maintenance-page.tpl.php and edit as necessary

But my site uses an Omega subtheme, so I don't have a page.tpl.php (well, it's not quite the same as these instructions are anticipating). I'm a little lost among all the omega templates & regions.

How do I theme my omega subtheme's maintence page to look like the rest of my site?

  • 1
    It'd be good to know what version of Omega you're using, things are very different between v3 and v4
    – Clive
    Commented Feb 11, 2014 at 16:07
  • Good point. I'm working with Omega 3.x
    – doub1ejack
    Commented Feb 11, 2014 at 16:40

1 Answer 1


There's always a parent template, even if you don't see it in your base_theme.

The inheritance will go:

  1. omega_subtheme template of NAME
  2. then omega template of NAME
  3. then drupal core template of name

So you'll need to copy the drupal core templates. They can be found in


You can find page.tpl, maintenance-page.tpl.php and all the base templates.

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