I have a drupal install that uses LDAP to authenticate users. I use that same LDAP to return user info such as roles, employee photo, email, role, and the center they work at.
if ($ds) {
$sr=ldap_search($ds, "DC=tpcontact,DC=co,DC=uk",$search);
$info = ldap_get_entries($ds, $sr)or die('get info fail');
I need to make it so that the server is pulled from drupal. So, if it is possible to query ldap without reconnecting, I need to do that. Otherwise I need to query the drupal DB's ldap_servers table, the only problem is that I dont have access to a MySql database that has LDAP enabled to see what the field is.
are all designed to let you run queries like this at any time. you shouldn't have to write the query yourself (but more power to you if you can).