I've searched almost everywhere and nothing found, so hopefully someone can help me in here!

Okay, I'm using Drupal 7, I installed it and changed the front page to a basic page as I want to have static page displayed rather than list of articles! So this bit is fine and working perfectly, but the problem is how to display a list of my articles on another page, say I'm posting articles regularly and I want to be displayed on the articles section of the website and not on the front page, so how do I do that?

This can be done easily with WordPress 3, but couldn't find a solution for Drupal 7? Anybody have any idea? If you do then please help!

For example http://mydomain.com/articles/ would display a list of my articles, by the way I want each of my articles to be displayed as http://mydomain.com/article/the-article-name

Any idea?


2 Answers 2


You can use a view as suggested, but as '/node' also contains a list of article teasers as you say, you can create an alias for '/node' called '/articles' using URL Aliases.

Given that you've changed your front page to a standard page, the default '/node' still exists and will receive a teaser from any content that has 'promoted to the front page' checked under 'publishing options' when creating a new piece of content. You can also use the 'sticky at the top of lists option' if you want an article to remain at the top of your '/articles' page. Example from Drupal6;

enter image description here

Finally for any new articles you simply assign the URL Alias /articles/article-name when creating a new article.


You need to use the Views module to create a list of recent articles. In fact views come with a predefined view that emulates the core Drupal frontpage. You just need to enable it and just define another path to use (such as site.com/articles). Here is a good series on learning views http://nodeone.se/blogg/learn-views-screencast-series-summed-up (Not affiliated in any way)


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