I've got a function that should generate a link as such <a href="http://linklocation">Set Password</a>
, which does happen, but it is generating as plain text.
My guess is that this is due to my use of the t() and l() functions in the manner I'm using them.
Here's my code:
global $user;
$account = new stdClass();
$account->uid = $user->uid;
$account->login = $user->login;
$account->pass = $user->pass;
$link = l('Set Password', user_pass_reset_url($account));
$token = t(token_replace(variable_get('listing_edit_free_activated_page', 'Your free content has been activated. Thanks! @link')), array('@link' => $link));
As you can tell, I'm attempting to generate a one-time user login link with the text, "Set Password". The token_replace() isn't really relevant to this problem.
Am I completely without options here? I want to use both t() and l() here - there's not really an easy way to not use both that I can see.
How do I use both while still maintaining the structure of $link as a link?
Set Password
orYour free content has been activated. Thanks!
i dont get it