I am using Drupal 7 And the hybridauth module.
In the past - everything worked great, and new & existing users could connect with Facebook and with Twitter.
Now, I have a problem that no one is able to connect with facebook or twitter.
The "closing..." window is stuck for a long time (looks like refreshing itself all the time - like a loop). When I close this "closing.." window, it looks like the user has succeed to login, but I get a message in a repeat many times that says "You have already registered this identity". When this issue is happen - I usually see that the user is finally login - after this long process and many messages (not a clean connect). It's looks like the problem is mainly on the connection to facebook.
Does someone knows what is the problem, and how can I fix it?
dblog errors:
TYPE hybridauth
DATE Friday, March 28, 2014 - 18:16
USER user name
LOCATION http://www.example.com/hybridauth/window/Twitter?destination_error=home
REFERRER http://www.example.com/hybridauth/window/Twitter?destination_error=home
MESSAGE Exception: User profile request failed! Twitter returned an error. in Hybrid_Providers_Twitter->getUserProfile() (line 77 of /home5/mysite/public_html/sites/all/libraries/hybridauth/hybridauth/Hybrid/Providers/Twitter.php).
Here is another db log, that looks fine here, but caused a stuck "closing.." window that refresh itself all the time:
TYPE user
DATE Friday, March 28, 2014 - 19:00
USER user name
LOCATION http://www.example.com/hybridauth/window/Facebook?destination_error=home&destination=home
REFERRER http://www.example.com/
MESSAGE Session opened for hybridauth_Facebook_6003111111.