I am trying to set the default value of a select list field on a node add form. The field name attribute in the HTML of the form is:
The ID of the add form is:
I created a little module to try to do this. It just has this code in it:
function MODULENAME_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
if($form_id == 'local-affiliate-node-form'){
$form['field_state']['und']['#value'] = 17;
I enabled the module and cleared cache but it doesn't appear to work. I also tried these lines inside the IF statement:
$form['field_state']['und']['value'] = 17;
$form['field_state']['und']['value']['#value'] = 17;
$form['field_state']['und']['#default_value'] = 17;
In case you're wondering, I can't use the Drupal interface to set the default value because eventually that "17" will be dynamic, so it will change depending on what the user clicks and I will use a string in the URL in place of a static number.
Thanks for any help!
, not-