I have two content types in a project I am working right now. Content type A has a field that hold the user ID of the user that "reserved" a node from that content type. Once the user has reserved a node from Content type A, he/she can then create a node from Content type B referencing the "reserved" node from Content type A. All that is done and working like a charm.
My issue is that I created a View where I want the user to see all the nodes he/she has reserved (Content type A), but I want to exclude the nodes from Content Type A that he/she has already used to create nodes for Content type B. The solution was fairly simple. I added the reserved by field to the contextual filter and I used the ID of the logged user and I added a relationship to "A bridge to the Content entity that is referencing Content via field_USED_FOR_REFERENCE"
The odd thing is that for user 1, the View work like a charm, but for other users the view display a blank page. I have rebuilt the permission, clear the cache, test the preview SQL query with the other users IDs (it does work), but the view page still show me a blank page for any user that is not user 1.
Note: In my tests I have remove all the views permissions without any luck. If I remove the relationship in the views then everyone can see the views results and not only user 1.
What am I missing?