I have created a test orb.test for my module and placed it within the module directory. Installed the Simple Test module. When I visit the /admin/config/development/testing my test orb.test its not listed. Here is the code for my test
class OrbTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
protected $privileged_user;
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Orb Test Case',
'description' => 'Ensure that Online Booking functions properly',
'group' => 'Examples',
public function setUp() {
$this->privileged_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('allow online reservations'));
public function testorbroomavailability() {
$this->assertText('Room Status');
Have I missed something here?
EDIT 5th August 2014: My tests written and placed in of my modules do not show up in the list of tests (admin/config/development/testing)