I seem to be having a difficult time getting the Disqus module to work on my Drupal website. Installation is normal, I just can't get to Disqus configuration page. The configuration page is blank.

I want to know: Does Disqus have any tables? If it does: Can someone give me the table structure, to see if I can use it?

  • Cleared the cache? Or try uninstalling and re-installing to see if that fixes it...
    – Felix Eve
    Commented Apr 30, 2014 at 8:02

1 Answer 1


Yes, the Disqus module has it own table (named disqus).

To see this table, look up the file disqus.install and examine the array called $schema.

You'll find this file inside the project directory (normally sites/all/modules/disqus/) where you installed Disqus, or in the project's git repo at drupalcode.org.

The Disqus schema is reproduced below for easy reference:

$schema['disqus'] = array(
  'fields' => array(
    'did' => array(
      'type' => 'serial',
      'not null' => TRUE,
     'nid' => array(
       'type' => 'int',
       'not null' => TRUE,
       'default' => 0,
     'status' => array(
       'type' => 'int',
       'unsigned' => TRUE,
       'size' => 'tiny',
       'not null' => TRUE,
       'default' => 0,
  'primary key' => array('did'),
  'indexes' => array(
    'nid' => array('nid'),
    'status' => array('status'),
  • I am so sorry for the late reply. Currently online I have Drupal 7.26 and the disqus module does not seem to work. And yet on offline I have Drupal 7.22 and disqus works well. Commented May 27, 2014 at 11:36

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