Organic Groups - 7.x-2.6 Drupal 7.26 OG Mailinglist - 7.x-1.1-alpha2 Domain Access - 7.x-3.11
Hello, I am attempting to get Organic Groups configured with OG Mailinglist. I am trying to set OG Mailinglist up to use MailGun. I have a local copy of drupal running on my dev machine.
When I try and configure it all and send a message by creating a new Group posting I get this error: PHPMailer error: Invalid address:
OG Mailinglist comes with a submodule for MailGun, but there I didn't find any documentation on it. Despite the fact that I did not find any documentation I gave a go at configuring.
Here is the OG Mailinglist configuration page. I got the from my mailgun account page. The Message validation string was already there and I did not change it.
Here are the mailgun settings for OG Mailinglist. I obtained the configuration info again from my MailGun account page.
These are my MailGun account pages. I obtained all of the configuration info for Drupal OG Mailinglist from these 2 pages.
The PHPMailer error does not show up in the reports section until after I try and create a new posting content. It then tries to send the mail to each person in the group, which fails.
Anyone know what I am doing wrong?
Thanks a mizzillion!!!