What I meant is that I have the i18n module installed and configured for content and taxonomies, this is what I need
I have a taxonomy called "Colors" I have translated all the terms of this taxonomy from spanish to english
I have a term reference field in a content type that points to the taxonomy "Colors"
While I create the the node of that content type and try to select a color, the select list shows me all the colors in english and spanish, is there a way of update that term reference select list to show only the terms for the selected language for that node?
Check the image and you will understand what I mean
If you check the image I selected in the list as language spanish, but in the color checkboxes it shows me all the terms in both languages (English & Spanish)
How to show the terms depending of the selected language while creating the node?
This is the image of the translated and original taxonomy terms in Spanish and English
Translation mode
you have selected for "Colors"? Did you translate the term or you created seperate term for each language?