use-ajax class link not working when i load new content using custom ajax code, which has the use-ajax class links.
I use normal jquery ajax to load the content because, i have drag and drop functionality which use ajax to load new content
i tried a lot but didn't get the idea why it is not working
Thanks in advance
jQuery(".clips-list .section-add-clip").droppable({
accept: '.mysrapbook-clip-drag',
hoverClass: "ui-state-active",
drop: function(event, ui) {
var source_url = ui.draggable.find('a').attr('rel');
var destination_url = jQuery('.scrapbook-mongo-id').data('scrapbooid');
var section_idx = Number(jQuery(this).attr('rel'));
var ul_container = jQuery(this).parent().parent().find('li.clips-inner');
var post_data = {
source_url: source_url,
destination_url: destination_url,
idx: section_idx,
load_node: 1,
index_countr: ul_container.length
var ajax_data = jQuery(this);
//call ajax to save clip to haggadah
url: "/clip-to-page",
data: post_data,
type: 'POST',
success: function(data) {
if (data[1].data != "") {
ul_container.last().after('<li class="clips-inner clip-idx-' + post_data.idx + '-id-' + post_data.index_countr + '">' + data[1].data + '</li>');
here is the code where i fire ajax to load new content and that content has 'use-ajax' class link which is not working it works fine page page is loaded