I would like to switch on the core's contact form category function and ad some extra category to my contact form but I was wondering that in auto reply I can't use tokens or acess the field values like sender's name wich would be very great! For solving this issue I don't like to use webform module becouse I would like to keep things as simple as I can. Is it possible to send html mail from here somehow? I think a module must be exists for solving this but I can not find. I would be appreciate any good idea.

Thanks Adam

  • Webform is as simple as it gets for setting up forms. It also makes sending emails with submitted form values very easy! I would recommend Webform every time for a use case like this
    – Collins
    Commented Aug 5, 2014 at 0:30
  • Thanks but I do not like to use webform for it becouse sending auto reply is a part of the core so I would like to use this if it is possible. I can send html mail by mime mail and mail system only what I need is adding some field value the name of sender in my auto reply message.
    – praad
    Commented Aug 5, 2014 at 9:14
  • I can solve it here is the solution: You have to add this to _contact_mail_alter(&$message) {} function: // Adding Dear sender name, to auto reply message template: if ($message['id'] == 'contact_page_autoreply') { $dear_sender_text = t('Dear %sender, ', array('%sender' => $message['params']['name'])); array_unshift($message['body'], $dear_sender_text); }
    – praad
    Commented Aug 5, 2014 at 10:17


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