I'm learning Drupal Commerce with a Commerce Kickstart installation. I understood in part the way products are displayed, with variation types and content types.

Have made some changes like visible/hidden product fields, and change the order product fields are displayed. But didn't get how, for example, in


the bag image stay positioned left side and others product fields right side.

I'm running Drupal 7 and Commerce Kickstart 2

Edit: See that image go left side because the variation type field is images. I've created variation type with variation type field image. If set do that way, the image stay in the same column as the other fields.

1 Answer 1


If you look at the View Source of the webpage in your browser you will see that the CSS says class=" ... grid-N ... " so part of the answer is that they are using a Grid based CSS framework to layout the node content.

This type of stuff is easily achieveable with Field Group, Display Suite or Fences to layout a content type in this fashion.

  • The Fences comes with Kickstart 2. Editing Home > Administration > Store settings > Product settings > Variation types > Bags & Cases > Manage fields > Images, in Wrapper markup field, the option selected is figure -- Figure with optional caption. So I chose this option in my new variation type. In fact, I chose the same options for the others fields at all. Still, the image doesn't position left side.
    – Caco
    Commented Aug 13, 2014 at 6:13

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