I think its a simple question, but I havent find an answer yet.
I want to make the Commerce Checkout Form Submit as an Ajax Form Submit. I have searched for a while but I havent found something useful.
There is a module Asaf which can add Ajax Submit to every Drupal Form, but I havent find the important locations in code.
There is also a Drupal Page AJAX Forms in Drupal 7, so I have tried a form_alter on the commerce_checkout_form_checkout and added an Ajax Callback, but the page still reloads.
I have written this code in a custom module to test the ajax submit with an own function:
if($form_id == 'commerce_checkout_form_checkout'){
$form['#ajax'] = array();
$form['#ajax']['method'] = 'replace';
$form['#ajax']['effect'] = 'fade';
$form['#ajax']['callback'] = 'test_function';
function test_function(){
drupal_set_message('test', 'error');
But no message is displayed and no ajax call is done.
Perhaps somebody cant put me on the right turn.
So I have learned that i have to add the ['#ajax] to a specific button or submit element, and not to the whole form. The commerce_checkout_form_checkout has a buttons array with the continue button in it, so i have added the functionality to this button array:
[#type] => submit
[#value] => Kaufen
[#attributes] => Array
[class] => Array
[0] => checkout-continue
[#suffix] =>
[#validate] => Array
[0] => commerce_checkout_form_validate
[1] => commerce_stock_checkout_form_validate
[#submit] => Array
[#ajax] => Array
[prevent] => click
[callback] => test_function
But if I hit the submit button, the page still reloads and doesnt jump into my 'test_function'.