In my content type I have two multi values fields for images and embedded videos. Those fields are displayed in view.
I wanted to display elements of these fields in carousel. I found solution on google, but this solution only works when I have more than one items in field.
I didn't manage to do it for one element in the field.
I want to display those fields (no matter if field has one or more items) in html list.
Could somebody give me any advice?
I try similar solution to @Shoaib Nawaz answers, but because of memory problems I can display values only from $row object.
The part with data of embedded videos look like this:
[node_data_field_video_field_video_embed] => Array
[0] => Array
[embed] =>
[value] => XnflHoDIwFk
[provider] => youtube
[data] => a:6:{s:20:"emvideo_data_version";i:5;s:23:"emvideo_youtube_version";i:5;s:8:"duration";i:831;s:8:"playlist";i:0;s:9:"thumbnail";a:1:{s:3:"url";s:43:"";}s:5:"flash";a:3:{s:3:"url";s:32:"";s:4:"size";s:4:"1011";s:4:"mime";s:29:"application/x-shockwave-flash";}}
[status] => 1
[version] => 5
[title] =>
[description] =>
[duration] => 831
The part of images looks like:
[node_data_field_photos_field_photos_fid] => Array
[0] => Array
[fid] => 18515
[list] => 1
[data] => a:2:{s:3:"alt";s:30:"System stołów automatycznych";s:5:"title";s:0:"";}
Screen with jcarousel with this stuff (worked only for fields with more than one items):
Now I need to find function to turn this data to html or code it all.