In a custom module I have a block defined and the function that builds the block returns a render array. In that render array I am looking to create a pager for my content since it is a listing of items.

If I run pager_default_initialize during my query building like so this automatically adds a pager to the top of the block.

$total = $query->countQuery()

$page = pager_default_initialize($total, $per);

  ->range($page * $per, $per);

I want to have more control over the pager, like adding it to the bottom of the block. If I remove the pager_default_initialize from the query building code like so, I can stop the pager from automatically being added.

$total = $query->countQuery()

$page = pager_find_page();

  ->range($page * $per, $per);

So, the question is, how do I add the pager to my render array so it renders the pager at the bottom of the block?

My render array currently looks like this:

$content['results'] = array(
  '#type'       => 'container',
  '#attributes' => array(
    'class' => 'results',

if ($data->rowCount()) {
  foreach ($data as $record) {
    $content['results'][] = array(
      '#theme' => 'CUSTOM_NODE_THEME',
      '#node'   => node_load($record->nid),
  if ($per > 0) {
    $content['results']['pager'] = array(
      '#theme' => 'pager',

The theme_pager() is not being run when the block is rendered.

Any help would be awesome!

1 Answer 1


Here is the solution. I knew as soon as I asked the question I would find the answer!

First off, the query building code must not run pager_default_initialize, like so:

$total = $query->countQuery()

$page = pager_find_page();

  ->range($page * $per, $per);

The pager render array should be created like so:

$content['results']['pager'] = array(
  '#pre_render' => array('CUSTOM_PRE_RENDER'),
  '#theme' => 'pager',
  '#variables' => array(
    'total' => $total,
    'per' => $per,

And then run pager_default_initialize in the custom pre render function:

function custom_pre_render_intialize_pager($_element) {
  pager_default_initialize($_element['#variables']['total'], $_element['#variables']['per']);

  return $_element;

This code will only work to add a single pager to the block and may not work if there is more then one pager on the page.

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