At first, I am new in SAML. Could somebody tell step by step, how to configure SSO on Drupal using simplesamlphp? Or how to test by "Test configured authentication sources"?

What I have now.

  1. Installed simpleSAMLphp Authentication module.
  2. Add simplesamlphp library to my site (mysite/simplesamlphp).
  3. Changed config.php
  4. Added meta to saml20-sp-remote.php

    $metadata['name'] = array( 'SingleSignOnService' => 'url_login', 'SingleLogoutService' => 'url_logout', 'certFingerprint' => 'key', );

  5. When I go to mysite/saml_login, I am return to login page on IdP. After login I return to my site (mysite/sso/login?params) with SAMLRequest and other GET-params. But site show page not fount error. On wiki it step 2.

So what I did wrong? May be I must set same page callback to handle this GET-params?

I also try to did this by simplesaml "Test configured authentication sources", but I got the same result.

Please, help!

  • 1
    Maybe this bug? That module is in alpha so don't expect it to be fully functional yet...
    – Clive
    Commented Aug 29, 2014 at 9:53
  • @Clive It sems, sth other :( Commented Aug 29, 2014 at 10:07
  • 1
    @Clive I think you may be mistaken with yet. Last update to dev is marked as 2013-Oct-01, and as we already know actual date must have been earlier. Looks like module development is staled.
    – Mołot
    Commented Aug 29, 2014 at 10:43

1 Answer 1


This is a very old question but worth solving it.


I also try to did this by simplesaml "Test configured authentication sources", but I got the same result.

It seems that @misha-from-lviv didn't configure simpleSAMLphp correctly.

$metadata['name'] = array( 'SingleSignOnService' => 'url_login', 'SingleLogoutService' => 'url_logout', 'certFingerprint' => 'key', );

The metadata is incomplete

The process to configure the simplesamlphp is way more complex that the 5 steps described there. This Vagrant box setup simplesAMLphp (as an SP and IdP) and Drupal 7 for you and let's you start testing SAML right away.

Disclaimer: I created the box

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