I have a content type called poem and a View page that has path like poem/% too. There is a View page for listing the poems called /poems. The poems page will list all the poem titles linked the actual poem (eg: "a href="poem/1">What a world ).

I have a block in the poem view to show all the poems written by the poet. My problem here is when I go to the node by /node/1, I can see the block that list all the poems written by the poet who wrote the node/1 but when I go like /poem/1 I am not seeing the block that list the poems. The node/1 view has bold header of the title but that's missing in my /poem/1 too.

Please help me how to make poem/1 to have the same view as the /node/1.

/poems -> this will list all the poem titles in site, title link would be /poem/1 instead of node/1

/poem/1 -> display poem content + it should display all the titles of the poem written by the author (/poem/1)

poem list view enter image description here

poem viewenter image description here

node view of the same poem enter image description here

poem view setup enter image description here

  • It seems to be clear but not for me. :) It's confusing..poem, poem view, poem block. It seems there is something missing in views block. If possible try to make it simple or elaborate. Commented Sep 12, 2014 at 14:29

1 Answer 1


but when I go like /poem/1 I am not seeing the block that list the poems. The node/1 view has bold header of the title but that's missing in my /poem/1 too.

In the Blocks Admin UI at admin/structure/blocks be sure the Block for your block view for a poem listing is enabled for the url path = poem/*.

You can also assign blocks to regions easily with the Context module.

  • Thanks for your answer but it's not working yet. There is no restriction on the block view. I am going to attach some screenshots. Commented Sep 12, 2014 at 15:34
  • What I said is not a configuration value in the Views UI. It is in the Blocks UI in admin/structure/blocks
    – tenken
    Commented Sep 12, 2014 at 16:01
  • It's enabled and the region is secondary. I am not sure how to enable for the speicfic path. I don't have any restrictions in block visibility settings. Please let me know if that's wrong. Commented Sep 12, 2014 at 16:23
  • The contextual filter setup was wrong - I set to raw and it's working fine now. Thanks for your time. Commented Sep 15, 2014 at 13:58

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