Using the Commerce Coupon module, how can I retrieve any coupon codes used in a particular order, given the order id? It seems that the coupons used are not actually stored in the database (as far as I can see).
1 Answer
If you're using 1.x version, an entity reference field is attached to the commerce order field upon installation (see function commerce_coupon_order_configuration()
). This creates the field table commerce_coupon_order_reference.
To check coupons attached to an order, simply access the commerce_coupon_order_reference field, like:
if (!empty($order->commerce_coupon_order_reference)) {
// Traverse the coupons referenced by this order.
$order_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('commerce_order', $order);
foreach ($order_wrapper->commerce_coupon_order_reference as $coupon_wrapper) {