Commerce Kickstart 2.
I used the included Feed to import users. I applied this patch: so I could keep the existing UIDs. Seemed to work OK.
I then wrote a script to import sales orders from an external db. That too seemed to go OK, except that the Username displayed on all reports, views, in fact -anywhere- that the field User:Name is displayed, it shows the First Name/Last Name of the billing profile of the last linked order. eg.
The username is 'MEGACORP'. But 'Frank Smith' is displayed as the User Name because that was the First/Last name of the imported order. -And- the link to the user account profile is users/frank_smith
The weird thing is that when people log in, they log in with the -correct- Username, ie. megacorp, -not- Frank_Smith
I looked at the SQL table Users and the Username is correct. (ie. megacorp)
AND I stumbled on creating a view of users, but as a wild-ass-guess set a relation to node entity reference and the Title field is 'Megacorp'.
Here are my field mappings in my customer profile import:
// Full Name(Required)
$profile_billing->commerce_customer_address[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['name_line'] = $name;
// Country(Required)
$profile_billing->commerce_customer_address[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['country'] = $row->country_iso_code_2;
// Address 1(Required)
$profile_billing->commerce_customer_address[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['thoroughfare'] = $row->billing_street1;
// Address 2
$profile_billing->commerce_customer_address[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['premise'] = $row->billing_street2;
// City(Required)
$profile_billing->commerce_customer_address[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['locality'] = $row->billing_city;
// State(Required)
$profile_billing->commerce_customer_address[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['administrative_area'] = $row->zone_code;
// Postal Code(Required)
$profile_billing->commerce_customer_address[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['postal_code'] = $row->billing_postal_code;
//Business name(Required)
$profile_billing->field_business_name[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'] = $row->billing_company;
// Phone(Required)
$profile_billing->field_phone_number[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'] = $row->billing_phone;`
So... 1. why is Username not pulling from the Users SQL table?
Is the above behaviour something Commerce does? If so, can I turn it -off-?
Is there -always- a related node for each user?
The field billing_company doesn't seem to display on any view, even though it is available to import. How do I access -that-? I guess -that- is what I expected to appear on various forms/reports (eg. the invoice)