I usually find what I need in here without asking question but this time couldn't find anything.
I have a view which lists documents from a file field of one of the content types. This content type (Info Page) has a Title, Body, and file field. The file field can take up to 10 PDF documents. The end result is a list of all documents attached to all published Info Pages and each item is a direct link to the pdf file. These documents will be updated quite frequently and I want to make the update process as smooth as possible.
Here is what I'm struggling with. The names of the files attached to the document will have hyphens/dashes instead of spaces and possibly some other characters/words I would like to remove. I don't want the user to provide another Text in another field, instead I would like the link title to be generated form the file name with some characters substituted for spaces and possibly some words removed. Does anybody know of a module which would have such a functionality?
Help would be much appreciated. Thank You
Drupal 7.33 Views 7.x-3.8