I want to create a line graph using the Highcharts library which shows 3 series in a single chart. I have visualization API, views, highcharts library etc. installed in my Drupal website.
I succeeded already in creating a chart which shows only 1 serie, but couldn't get it to work with 3 series yet.
The X-axis is taxonomy terms and Y-axis is the value of nodes on this term (relationship: Taxonomy terms on node).
The view I created has a filter and it filters the views with 3 content types I wanted. So I want to show these 3 content types as 3 different series (line charts), instead of just 1 line chart with everything together.
Here are some relevant details of the view I created:
This is the line chart I was able to create so far:
Here is what I want to achieve (using data that are different though):
How can I visualize my 3 series (for 3 different content types) in a chart similar to the above one?