I want to print custom text if there is no result on search.

I'm using custom search-result.tpl.php and search-results.tpl.php.

My search-results.tpl.php is that:

     <?php if ($search_results): ?>
      <h2><?php print t($search_totals);?></h2>
      <div class="view-content">
        <table class="views-table cols-4 search-results <?php print $module; ?>-results table table-striped">
.../* my results style here */
            <?php print $search_results; ?>
      <?php print $pager; ?>

    <?php else : ?>
      <h2><?php print t('Your search yielded no results');?></h2>
      <?php print search_help('search#noresults', drupal_help_arg()); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

It works correctly if there are search results but if there is no result it doesn't print anything although there is the <?php else : ?> part.

How can I print custom text if there is no result?

1 Answer 1


The core Drupal search module uses several template files that dictate both how search results are displayed, and what's displayed when there are no search results.

If you're already using a custom theme on your Drupal site, the best way to customize those would be to copy and paste the entire 'search-results.tpl.php' file from the search/ module folder into your own custom theme subfolder.

Open that file up for editing and you'll see the following at the bottom:

<?php else : ?>
  <h2><?php print t('Your search yielded no results');?></h2>
  <?php print search_help('search#noresults', drupal_help_arg()); ?>
<?php endif; ?>

This is what's displayed if search results are not found (thus the 'else')... Modify the text to be anything you want here. The second line, which calls the search_help() function is the one that displays the search suggestions. Feel free to replace that too....

And as always, before you can see your changes, you'll probably need to clear cache!

  • I have already had this two files (search-result.tpl.php and search-results.tpl.php) inside of my theme folder. And as you can see in my question there are the lines you mentioned about. There is the <?php else : ?> piece but it doesn't work (doesn't print anything).
    – herci
    Commented Nov 25, 2014 at 11:40

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