I want a click on #parent to toggleClass a 'newclass', on the parent's child element, 'child'. The page has an AJAX call, so I need the function to only apply on page load.
However, I can only get the 'newclass' to begin to toggle on the last AJAX call, I'm not sure why. Before the last AJAX call, clicking #parent has no effect.
Also, #parent is not unique, hence the $(this). (I only want it to toggle the class for the .child that had it's #parent clicked).
Any ideas why this won't work?
<div id="#parent">
<div class="child">
Content #1
<div id="#parent">
<div class="child">
Content #2
(function ($) {
Drupal.behaviors.arbitrarystring = {
attach:function(context, settings) {
$('#parent').once('arbitrarytitle', function() {
$('#parent').click(function() {
Tried setting up a JS fiddle, but was having problems to emulate the AJAX calls.
Thanks everyone!
EDIT: Here is the fiddle, without AJAX Request or the Drupal.behaviors wrapper; I was getting a syntax error when trying to close the brackets.