What is the difference between declaring the files[] in a module's .info file and declaring the file inside a hook_menu() item?
According to the Drupal Documentation on .info files...
When a module is enabled, Drupal will rescan all declared files and index all the >classes and interfaces that it finds. Classes will be loaded automatically by PHP >when they are first accessed.
And the documentation on the files key for hook_menu() is...
A file that will be included before the page callback is called; this allows page >callback functions to be in separate files. The file should be relative to the >implementing module's directory unless otherwise specified by the "file path" >option.
This sounds a little redundant to me. Aren't the files being "included" when you declare them in the .info file? So why would i need to list the file location for a function inside hook_menu when it should already be included?