I don't have the cpanel password of my hosting, I want to install new module through website. It's easy in D7, how can I do it in D6.
Note: if you suggest any module, I can't install that too through ftp and I don't know drush too.
I don't have the cpanel password of my hosting, I want to install new module through website. It's easy in D7, how can I do it in D6.
Note: if you suggest any module, I can't install that too through ftp and I don't know drush too.
If all directories are writable, you should be able to enable PHP module, create a node with PHP filter, and in that node use:
file_put_contents ( 'path_to_modules/mymodule/mymodule.info', 'name = example
description = Demonstrates how to write info file.
core = 6.x');
The same for module file.
Preferably do that with rudimentary module that will allow you to upload and extract zip / tar.gz module files as provided by Drupal.org, and then remove PHP filtered node and disable PHP module.