I have created a custom module where I have define my page url's & contents are created through my custom tpl files.
I am applying some css & js on those custom contents/pages/tpl files.
What I want : I don't want to add path of those css & js in all pages. I want to define those css & js in separate file & I want to call that css & js in my custom pages through variable. Simply I want to create a header file which hold my css & js. And I want to call that header file in my custom pages.
Why I want to do this : Right now the path of the css & js is not fixed. So if am I add drupal_add_css()
& drupal_add_js()
in every tpl file then will change the path in every tpl file. So I want to create a header file where am I put the css & js path & if the path will change then I have to change the path in only header file.
How can I implement this?