I have a special promotion price set for member: Register 1 new member is USD 500, register 2 new members in one-time is USD 800.
In my membership sign up form (created using contribution page), I would like the user to enter 2 member details during sign up.
I found this function in event page, where user can register multiple participants in one event, and make payment. But, the payment can't extend the membership period and can't create new membership.
I tried to adjust my price set setting by changing "used for" option, but it shows error of "If you plan on using this price set for membership signup and renewal, you can not also use it for Events or Contribution."
By selecting it using for membership, I can choose the price option to have different number of terms. But, this can't be used in event page which allow multiple registration of participant / member.
Is there any way I can register multiple member in one membership sign up form?